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The Silent Affects That Tobacco Holds On Your Mouth


The Silent Affects That Tobacco Holds On Your Mouth

Tobacco is one of today’s deadliest things when it comes to your oral care. It not only stains your teeth and gives you nasty breath but it can run deeper than that. It can be the cause of gum disease, loss of bone in your jaw, and several other things. This is why it is important to maintain your oral hygiene, especially if you are a smoker.

Plaque and tartar are bad for anyone’s teeth but the more you smoke the more these two things increase and build up more. Even if you can fight the bad breath and plaque on your own the tartar built up can’t be reached by a toothbrush and has to be done by a dentist. This can be done at a routine checkup every six months.

Gum Disease can be brought on by several factors however smoking increases your chances of getting gum disease compared to a nonsmoker. This is why if you do not plan on quitting it is important to stick to a routine schedule to see your dentist to make sure you do not have any of the signs of gum disease.

Another thing that tobacco contributes to is oral cancer. Oral cancer starts out as a sore in the mouth that does not go away. Smokers hold a higher risk of getting oral cancer than a nonsmoker and many people don’t think the sores are anything to worry about; however they are. The sores can lead to bleeding in your mouth for no reason, sore throat, swelling, numbness in face, neck or mouth.

Tobacco is very harmful and as a smoker you must remember that it makes the risks of getting things higher than someone who does not smoke. This is why it is important to take extra precaution and do as much preventative work as possible. Setting up your visits to the dentist is a good way to start and to make sure that your dentist and you are on the same plan that best suits you.

Tobacco products not only are bad on your oral care but can lead to other dangerous cancers, and diseases as well. It can change your life around completely and you must know all the risks of being a smoker and see if it is a decision you may wish to quit. In the meantime make sure to keep routine checkups to your doctor and dentist to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary and that everything still looks OK. It is important that you are around a long time to be able to enjoy your life without worry and taking easy steps and extra precaution is all that needs to be done.

Tobacco can be dangerous no matter the form it is used in. All of the above are not just for smokers, it is the same for people who dip, use smokeless tobacco, and use pipes or cigars. All of them are equally bad and must not be taken lightly. Just because the salesman said the smokeless tobacco product is better for you does not mean it is true, it can be just as harmless as smoking a cigarette. This is why it is important no matter the form you use that you see the dentist and stick to your routine appointments.

All tobacco products can lead to serious things when it comes to your oral care but with finding the perfect dentist that truly cares about your needs will help this process out a lot. You need to feel confident with your dentist and be completely open and honest about how much you smoke so you both can decide on what is the best way to take care of your everyday dental needs.

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